The Blog’s Growing Up

After 5 years on the free version of WordPress, I’ve decided to see what the fuss is about with a self hosted blog. Check out my new site – It  should be an exciting year. I’ll be rolling out an action plan for the big scary facade restoration next week!


I’ve had a few reasons. The biggest being curiosity. I want to see what happens if I make the site look nicer.

Then I’ve been a little frustrated because I set up pages for a house tour a year ago and for some reason the links never worked. I’ve ignored that for a solid year, but it seems important to set up a site where old content is better organized. There were no pretty pictures in my first 3 years, but what I was doing back then was more interesting than cleaning out closets.

And, I redid my house while single and in my twenties (until a year ago). I’ve noticed that a lot of bloggers get paid or comped with free stuff. Getting paid is a violation of the terms of use of the free version of WordPress, and they could delete the whole blog if I got caught cheating. The self hosted version allows me to explore opportunities for shameless commercialism… or hopefully simply the opportunity to get comped now and then for stuff I already believe in.

Anyways, please check out the new page, follow me there, and let me know if you have any advice!

10 thoughts on “The Blog’s Growing Up

  1. Derek Walvoord

    Hi, I have a hard time figuring out how to follow, can you leave a note on how to do so on the new site? There is probably something obvious that I am missing. Thanks!


  2. pastsoon

    Chad ~ Hi ~ i Love your blog. Your humor is what it takes in any renovation. I wish all (or ANY) of my clients could embrace it the way you do. So thank you for sharing and always making me
    Smile. Florida has a whole different set of issues (except idiots have done stucco flashing the same as yours. Yes indeed.) Congrats on expanding from the free blog but I can’t figure out how to “follow” on the new one. Nothing I see at The menu and I don’t want to miss anything. Things like new car lost “door-ginity” don’t happen everyday. So pls let me know how to follow the new one. (Maybe it’s obvious and I’m just not getting it?) Wishing all the joy and fun and accomplishments to you. XoX. TJF


    1. Chad's Crooked House Post author

      Glad you’re enjoying it. I know I have a better attitude than a lot of people (like, all the whiny people on HGTV) but I’ve had a lot going for me where letting this project take years didn’t destroy me. Like parents nearby who I can stand.

      I added buttons to the footer to subscribe by e-mail and follow on WordPress. They’re a little clumsy looking I think, but I’m not paying ANOTHER $9.99 a month for something better.


  3. Barbara H.

    Thanks, Chad, and congratulations on your blog maturity. I’ve now subscribed via email and look forward to reading the posts to come.



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